Stand Up America
Highlights of people and groups taking a stand across America.

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Sharing stories and links to individuals and groups Standing Up in cities and towns across the United States.
We salute US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald (Chicago) and his staff for the successful prosecutions of corrupt officials including former Governor Rod Blagojevich.  Fitzgerald gets it.  He has worked tirelessly to prosecute those who abuse the public trust and treat government as their personal fiefdoms.  Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 well deserved years in prison.  Thanks to Judge Zagel for sending a strong message to the rest of the cabal that runs the State of Illinois.
They just don't get it award goes to Porter County (IN) officials who, in the midst of the housing crisis and recession continue to raise assessments.  Apparently Porter County officials believe county property values defy the nationwide decline.

Porter County officials, and city, state and federal officials everywhere must acknowledge the program glut that occurred during the high times.... and cut them now that revenues are down.  No new taxes.  No new fees.  No assessment creep.  Cut and cut some more.  Cut until it hurts.  We did without the programs before the good times... we can do without them now.  And we must.
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn doesn't get it either.  Quinn sold out voters to curry favor with state unions while pushing a huge tax increase through the legislature.  Now he doles out incentives to select employers to keep them from pulling up stakes and leaving.  Where are the incentives for the other employers and the taxpayers?
Update:  Porter County assessments adjusted effective 3/1/2012.  Stand by for further developments.